Monday, November 16, 2009

How to do This...(for livejournal)?

I've made a layout for livejournal and wish to post it at a community. I've noticed that any such posts usually contain a snapshot of the finished layout and a live preview. I have a PC and don't know how to take a snapshot of a website (and can't really buy any programs or download them for this purpose at the moment). Also I really need to know how to do the live you just open a new account for it? (i'm not sure but this seemed unlikely to me) So if not, how is it done?

I will definitely appreciate any help, and if anybody can inform me on both my problems then as soon as I see the answer it will be chosen as best answer by me :)

P.S. I've asked this question before, but decided to re-ask it because I did something stupid last time I asked it. x/

How to do This...(for livejournal)?
Open your layout in your browser. Hit ctrl + print screen. Open paint and hit ctrl +v. Cut as desired for your screen shots.

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