Saturday, November 14, 2009

Real Quick Livejournal Help?

I'm looking for the images that you can replace the little livejournal guy with. The guy with the white head and blue shirt on before the username, there used to be a site with codes and images you could replace him with.

Anyone know what it is?

Thanks! :D

Real Quick Livejournal Help?
Visit: . It's a generator that quickly gives you the CSS / coding to customize the tiny icons that appear next to LJ usernames and community names, as well as the ones that appear next to private/public/friends only entries.

And if you're in need of some of those tiny icons to use in customizing this, visit the livejournal community 'mintyapple' and look under the tag 'icon sets'. :)
Reply:you can only do it IN the entries. But I am drawing a blank at this moment on the website.

one idea is to go to lj_genie, and ask for it there, because they can answer more specific lj questions.

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